Thank you for visiting! The Global Water Crisis affects everyone and we all need to learn about it.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Not My Idea

It's winter again here in southern Alberta. Well maybe not winter, but close! Even though summer made an appearance yesterday (and I was thinking that maybe summer really was here, and would know if we actually had 2 days in a row that were summerish) it seems to be gone again. Personally I don't mind because I have to be inside on the computer anyway and I really don't like to be hot. As I said in the last post, there really is a reason why I moved back to Canada.

There actually are a few reasons and I am going to share another one. Part of my love for the restaurant industry is because it allowed me to be the gypsy person I truly am. I moved an inordinate number of times for someone not in the military or one being transferred for jobs all over the place. I simply like to experience lots of different cultures, meet interesting people, and I was just generally a restless and high energy person. But while living in New Zealand, I decided that it was time to go home. It was time for me to settle down and establish roots.

Ok, for the rest of this post, if you don't believe in God, you may as well stop here or you'll think I'm full of baloney, which I'm not.

So I came here with the intention of looking for the place where I would live the rest of my days and even meet a man to do that with. I was ready to settle down and make cookies. I have never been married and agree with a snipet I read years ago that said you don't meet the person whom you are supposed to be with until you get where you are supposed to be. Wise words eh? E-Harmony here I come! Well...

Not so much. Just as I know I was called to make the movie in the first place--despite not ever wanting to make a movie--now it all made sense when this current idea popped into my head. Mind you I fought this one for much longer than the movie because it's really crazy! But, like the movie, I'm committed to it and will see it to the end. I just have to remember at all times where my Help comes from.

The world situation concerning water is just incredible and something needs to be done about it. We are all part of the whole and we need to help others.

But it goes beyond that thought. We need to also help ourselves! The water crisis is not only in other places. It's here too. I have supplied loads of information on the site and wanted to add this link to a great site where you can find ways to save water in your own home--therefore saving you some money too!

So why did I title this "not my idea"? Well because this is NOT what I had in mind for my life, and that is precisely why I know it comes from God. I have been listening to a lot of "self discovery" type information and am finding that many people are doing something they never thought they would be doing, but know it's what they are meant to be doing. People finding their true purpose. How do they know? Because they're happy! Genuinely and absolutely happy and it doesn't necessarily have to do with money. It has more to do with helping others. It's about time that greed gets the boot!

I have always found that most restaurant people are happy and like their life. It's a great job and lifestyle for either the long haul or temporarily, and there are millions in the business who would probably agree with me. Think about the place you go to hang out with your friends. Do you like the staff there? Do they work hard to get you everything you need and have a fun time doing it? Probably or you wouldn't go there. The hospitality industry is a great one and by combining it, through this movie, with the need for water, this will help so many. We just need to find the right people who will help make this a reality. We can do it! That's all for now. Gotta brush the snow off the bbq grill! (Not really, but maybe in the morning...)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

North American Ideas

There are still many lakes in the fields where usually the crops are starting to lift their stems to the sky and it's a constant reminder of the fact that while we're not wanting the water, others in the world are so desperately needing it. Unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about that situation, but hopefully it makes us think about water nonetheless. Come fall, we'll be needing the water and will probably be put on water conservation levels.

While researching around about water issues, I came across an article about a clever young boy named Mason Perez in Reno, Nevada. He had a thought and it became an experiment then a project and now a wonderful way to save water. It's a great article and I hope people see it and start thinking about other ways to save our precious water.

I have very often thought of ways to stop wasting so much water in public places. Like those automatic flushing toilets that are everywhere now. What a waste of water! I have experienced them flushing when I walked into the stall, flushing as I'm getting ready to make a deposit of some sort and then again as I am making the deposit acting like a bidet, only to be flushing again as I'm getting myself back together and then leaving the stall! Seriously, 5 times it flushed while I was in the area! Ok, now that was the most I had, but it's usually 3 times and always flushing more than necessary. Yeah I know why they are there-- to avoid germs in touching the handle, but c'mon, that's just ridiculous. There should be an adjustment!

What about those tub faucets that blast out water like a fire hose and can't be turned down. Think how much water is wasted when you're adjusting the temperature for your shower. Sure some people turn on the shower head right away and that helps if there is a water saving head, but not everyone does it that way. I've thought about that for years, ever since I was in a hotel that had those installed. I think they should all be replaced, which I know won't happen, but hopefully those hotels have a grey water recycling system installed. There are so many ways to save water and here's just one of the many sites that will give you ideas for your home water usage.

That's all for now. Enjoy the summer if you are having it. We here in southern Alberta seem to be stuck in the cold. I don't mind at all. It beats the 90's that are elsewhere! I moved back to Canada for a reason! ;-)