Notice the quotation marks.
These are the titles of 2 movies that, while not being brand new or block busters, should be seen by every person on the planet! Ok so I have a strong opinion about it, but really, they are great movies and the information is applicable to all of us, no matter where we live, how we live, or why we live. Actually they both address that last part in entertaining, honest and meaningful ways.
"I Am" is a doc by Tom Shadyac. Of course I had heard of Tom, who is a Hollywood heavy weight, through his big movies, but it was when I heard a few years ago that he sold all his stuff and completely changed his life that he got my attention. "I Am" is his documentary about the bike accident that changed everything. His entire view of life took a 180 and now he teaches others what he has learned, and what really is important in life and I just happen to agree with him in a big way. We need to be cooperative, help others and be a part of the solution, not the problem.
"Happy" is a doc created by Roco Belic and produced by Tom. It's a movie that states what I have been saying to people for years and is one of the underlying themes to my movie "Did I Say Thousand Island?". People who work in the restaurant industry ARE happy! My research showed that 95% of the people I talked to loved their jobs. The funny thing is that the impression formed (falsely it seems) by many people is just the opposite. Maybe those people need to watch Happy to readjust their way of thinking! Maybe they need to learn what in life actually and statistically makes us happy....
So I have this movie, that has been seen all over the world, and keeps being downloaded every day which thrills me to no end! After being told by so many people that I need to remake it, a couple of years ago, I decided to set out on a new mission to find the right people to remake it. I, I repeat, I, do not want to be a filmmaker, but there are people who do and are. I've been praying for many years that God leads me to the right people. Maybe, just maybe I am coming across them. They need to be the type of people who will keep whatever it is in the movie that makes people still download a no-star-no-professional-actors-no-budget-no-razzmatazz-just-a good-story movie after almost 8 years of its release. I think it might have something to do with our heart. A subject in both of Tom and Roko's movies.
Water has been my heart's passion for hmmm, let see... probably my entire life. I played with a spoon, a cup and a sink with a bit of water in it, when I was three (easily entertained but that's ok) and have always yelled at people when they waste water-- before it was fashionable to do so. What. It's not fashionable? Well maybe not yet, but if we continue as we are headed, it will become that way. Soooo I want to use my movie which focuses on restaurants--which can't run without water, to make people aware of our water situation. It's way past time. It's like the stoplight at an intersection. How many people have to be killed before they put in a light? How many towns, cities, states (can you say California or perhaps Texas or... or...) does it take to have major water problems, before we decide that we need to change our everyday behavior, on a big scale, in order to preserve and conserve water? And that's just one side of the water troubles in the world, but you already know about the millions of people who don't even HAVE fresh water to drink...but we'll save that for another day. It's the Christmas Season and we don't really want to think about all that. Do we?
So instead, let's be grateful that we live in countries that do have fresh water and try to not waste it. Peace out, as we say in Canada, but Peace on Earth is a better "see ya" for now!